Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Dear Readers,
Welcome to my updated website. I hope you like it!

I'm very excited about my new book, YELLOW MOON. I will start touring in August in St. Louis and Dallas and then onward to Denver, Seattle, Chicago and many more cities. (Check out the event calendar for the latest up-to-date information).

I sincerely hope I will get a chance to meet some of you in person. I have very much appreciated your support over the years.

Don't hesitate to email me with questions. I'll address them personally via email or through my blog.

In YELLOW MOON, a new Marie Laveau adventure begins--I hope you enjoy it.




Debbie Cravey said...

Jewell, I am so excited you are doing this blog. I look forward to reading it regularly. Is it true that you plan to do some podcasting too? That will be truly awesome. You have such a wonderful reading voice, and I would be thrilled to be able to hear it more often!

Congratulations on the new book, too!

Tiggs et al. said...


It is wonderful to hear from you. Writing a blog is so much fun. Thank you for taking a stab at it and sharing your life with us.

The new book sounds intriguing. I have emailed my friends in the various cities you are touring. Hopefully you will see one of their friendly faces.

Take care of yourself.


Jewell Parker Rhodes said...

Dear Debbie,
I hope to see you in Portland! Coffee? How's your wonderful writing? Email me when you can.


Jewell Parker Rhodes said...

Dear Karen!
Thank you for your gracious support--as always. You are a true sister-friend. I'm in Boston for most of the year, when I return to Arizona, let's have lunch.


Unknown said...

Jewell, so glad to hear from you. This is so exciting and cool. I am looking forward to Yellow Moon and your dates in Arizona (which I did not see on your website, but I will keep looking).

Your Librarian Friend,

Cyndee- Glendale Public Library